Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Port Forwarding Sucks

Nothing pisses me off faster when trying to get something to work online than to read "you have to configure your router's port forwarding". This has to be done with bittorrent clients, and some games if you want to run a game server. Note I said SOME games as every Valve game I've ever played has NOT required this! To all the douche bag game programmers who code games that require this - NOT EVERYONE HAS ROUTER ACCESS!!!!! That's right you fucking nerds, people living in apartments and college dorms don't have router access, and the admins there aren't going to custom configure the router for one persons game play. If you program games that require port forwarding for net play please do me and everyone else who doesn't have router access a favor and get a job bagging groceries.


  1. Port forwarding port checker tool is guaranteed to ....open and immediately close...it's worthless~!!

  2. Why didn't you say up front it required approval??
