Monday, January 25, 2010

ACTA - Just say NO!!

What is ACTA?
From wikipedia:
"The Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA) is a proposed plurilateral trade agreement for establishing international standards on intellectual property rights enforcement throughout the participating countries. It's described by its proponents as a response "to the increase in global trade of counterfeit goods and pirated copyright protected works." The scope of ACTA is broad, including counterfeit goods, as well as "piracy over the Internet"."
That is just the introduction, I suggest you read the rest of it here.

Who should oppose ACTA? Everyone. That's right, you heard me, I said everyone. Even if you think a three strikes law is the greatest idea ever proposed, you should be standing up, screaming in opposition. ACTA is everything freedom isn't. It's behind closed doors, with a few people from huge corporations allowed to observe the negotiations, all of whom had to sign a non disclosure agreement to make sure the facts didn't get out to the great unwashed. I understand secrecy, if a government is building a new weapon they don't want potential enemies to get ahold of the plans for it. But ACTA isn't a weapon, ACTA is a trade agreement. The only reason to keep it secret is because the guilty have something to hide. They think enough of the worlds populous won't like part, or all of it, so they want to hide from the light, and force it through quickly once it's finished. If the treaty was (as it should be) posted on the web, and subject to public scrutiny it's unlikely the more odious provisions would survive.
 Supporters of strong copyright laws need to wake up and smell the coffee regarding ACTA. See, what we are talking about here is PRECEDENCE! Essentially a group of countries got together in secret to negotiate international law. Lets say this gets ram-rodded through, this will become the norm for international law making; why let those pesky interfering peons know what your up to when you don't have to!? ACTA is anathema to the concept of public participation in government. It is a jack boot, fascist, "we say, you do" method of lawmaking that should have went out with Hitler and Stalin.

Friday, January 22, 2010

Jammie Thomas - ridiculous award from tard jury

This is about the jury verdict in Capitol v. Thomas, where a jury awarded 2 million dollars to the plaintiff for for infringing 24 songs. More details are here: Capitol v. Thomas
The original decision was typical of the American jury system, best described as collective retardism, where the total IQ for the jury rarely exceeds 600. Why is this? Think of jury duty as an IQ test, the smarter you are the more likely it is you will talk your way out of it. “But it’s your civic duty” some say. Here’s the deal. The judge get’s paid 70 – 100+k, the lawyer gets whatever he can squeeze out of the client, I would guess the prosecutor makes between 35-45k(maybe more, I don’t know), and all the court officers get paid too. Do you know how much people get paid for serving on a Minnesota jury? Ten bucks a day, plus round trip mileage for an additional whopping sum of 27 cents a mile.
Most trials are short, but what if you win the shit lottery and get stuck on jury duty for a trial that lasts for months? I think it’s fairly safe to say most people can’t make rent on that, let alone pay other bills, like car payments, insurance, electric, ect… So the reward for being a “good citizen” is to get evicted and have your car repossessed if you win the long trial shit lottery. Yeah, I’d say that pretty much weeds out 99% of the smart people, as they will run screaming from a “civic duty” which could leave them homeless. On the other hand, if you are on welfare, or an alcoholic bum not looking for work, why NOT serve on a jury? So there you have it, that’s why you wind up with idiotic verdicts like $80,000 per song, a decision with no grounding in civil law, criminal law, or any other law, just a bunch of idiots who wanted to punish the big bad pirate.

It's good for you

Did you ever notice, everything, and I mean EVERYTHING that's "good for you" sucks. Lets start with food. Of all the food groups, what is the very best for you? Green vegetables. BLECCCCHH!!!!!! Green vegetables taste like CRUD, and one of most nutritious, Broccoli smells like old bum piss too. Waiter, WAITER, can I have a side of dog shit with that!!! Of course for every yin there is a yang and it's the same here, as everything good for you sucks, everything bad for you rocks! Lets go back to food, bypassing the green crap, we arrive at the meat section. Here we have mouth watering fatty steak, deep fried chicken, batter soaked fish, POOOORK!!! Hell yeah I'll take fatty fries with that!! Of course it's all fattening, artery clog city, but it's one heaping plateful of AWESOME!!!!

Now lets get to exercise. Exercise sucks. Bigtime. I guess if you are one of those people who can go for 40min running/biking hard, while barely breaking a sweat it's less odious, but if you are not so fortunate it's like walking into a swamp, truly a loathsome endeavor, and no, a short walk doesn't do shit, at least not for me. If I'm not exercising like Private Pyle in Full Metal Jacket with Sgt. Hartman up his ass I get zero and I mean zero benefit from it. Thanks, but no thanks. Of course, doing something actually FUN, like playing video games or watching a great movie, or maybe reading a book are all bad for you, after eating the fatty meat and fries there is nothing like a nice, passive group of uber fun hobbys for weight gain.

Then you have rubbers. If your a guy I don't need to explain why rubbers suck, of course they are good for you as they prevent unwanted children and aids.

Is winter good for you? Considering how high a suck factor it has, it probably is.

Nerd food pyramid yummmmmm!