Friday, September 9, 2011

Taxes, who should pay?

  Why when it comes to tax increases is it ALWAYS the working guy who has to bend over and take it? I can recall years ago BEGGING my employer, who had a wage freeze, to just give me enough of a raise to compensate for the state tax increase so that I could at LEAST be making the same money and not be handed a pay cut. The answer of course, was no.
  Democrats LOVE to talk about taxing the rich, but there is a problem with this. Corporations and rich people lobby politicians. They make large scale political contributions. Joe six pack doesn't have have the money to lobby the politicians and his contribution, if any, is a joke in comparison to what the rich give. So when all the bloviating is done, guess who winds up with the tax increase?
  There is a HUGE vein of untapped tax revenue out there. It is NOT the rich, as even if they don't pay enough, they are at least paying something. I'm talking about so called "non profits". You know, churches, universities, hospitals, and charities all squatting on acres of land and not paying a dime in property or income tax.
  Lets start with the churches. Does the Catholic church seem poor to you? The Vatican is literally dripping with gold, yet pays no taxes in the U.S. There may be some small churches not making any profit, but the large ones rolling in money need to start paying taxes.
  Now we come to the Universities. Rah rah go team go! Love that college football! If a school can afford a multi-million dollar football team AND raises tuition well above the inflation rate year after year they need to stop crying non profit poormouth and pay taxes.
  Feeling sick? Uninsured? So sad, if you need any surgery you'll be paying that hospital bill for the rest of your life. I'm not quite as down on the hospitals as I am on the churches and universities, but I do think there are some hospitals with administrative bloat and overpaid management. Hospitals like this need to be given the option of shaping up or paying the tax man.
  Last but so very not least are the so called "charities". So sorry chums, but any charity paying out a six figure salary to its CEO should not only lose non profit status and have to pay taxes, it should have to pay them RETROACTIVELY.
  These moochers have been getting a free ride for far too long; it's time for them to shoulder the same tax burden everyone else has to.

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