Saturday, February 20, 2010

Room Mates still suck

A while back I made this post about how bad room mates suck. This guys post confirms everything I said and then some...

From reddit:
 First, a little background on me.

A while back, some of you may remember my roommate killed my cat.

I had the roommate move out and filed charges. He is still at large with a state jail felony warrant out for his arrest. I do not know where he lives, but I recently discovered where he works.

A couple of weeks ago, my fiance and I discover that both of our cars have flat tires. Two flats each, both on the right side of the car. Our cars were not parked next to each other, and no other car was vandalized in the parking lot. Logic dictates that it was done by someone who knew both of our cars and had a grudge, so I naturally concluded that it was the ex roommate.

I filed a police report and never heard anything else about it. My fiance and I also made the decision to move. We move on Wednesday.

Well, two days ago, my fiance went to get gas. She discovered that her gas cap was missing and that the inside of the gas tank's mouth there was... some sort of sealant. We still haven't figured out exactly what it is. I checked my car, and sure enough, same thing.

I'm positive that it was the ex roommate, but the cops don't seem to care. I've told them where he works, but he has yet to be picked up.

What would you do in this situation?

Edit: So I was just checking the cars again, and got my finger stuck in gas thing... you know where you actually put the nozzle in when you are filling up? Yeah. Stuck, bleeding. Had to get the ice cream truck guy to call 911. There were 3 fire trucks and an ambulance. Now I get to go get a tetanus shot. How embarrassing.
Sooooo glad I live ALONE in an apartment now, but I bet not nearly as glad as the guy who made the above post!

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