Saturday, June 22, 2019

The NRA, time to clean house

 I started smelling a rat with the NRA when they came out in support of both a bump stock ban, AND red flag laws.
I was suspicious of Oliver North's appointment as well. His shady past just didn't seem to make him a good fit for a high profile position in the NRA. Now the above document makes North and Cox look like the bad guys, picking on poor aggrieved Wayne LaPierre. What I see is different. I see a bunch of dirty, stinking rats, all bilking the NRA and tearing each other apart in the process.
 There are NO good guys here, rather a group of scoundrels having a falling out. I think some members have been like an ostrich while this has been going on, and I don't blame them. An NRA run by bilko artists primarily concerned with their own self aggrandizement is TERRIBLE for gun owners. It couldn't have come at a worse time, as Bloomberg's anti gun lobby has been going state to state spending millions to get gun laws passed. Bloomberg is fanatically anti gun, he is putting his own money in to this. An NRA rotten at the top can't win against a fanatic billionaire. And it hasn't. Bloomberg's every town for gun safety has been getting red flag laws passed in state after state. With the NRA supporting red flag laws Bloomberg's opposition has only come from much smaller groups like the GOA, SAF, and local jokel state gun rights groups. He's pushed a lot of other shitty state gun laws too, with great success in the purple states. Bloomberg is well aware of what is going on with the NRA and makes sure all of it goes out in the news. He doesn't even have to lie, which is a sad thing.
 The NRA does have a board of directors, but that is an 76 dude clusterfuck that can't even find the toilet paper to wipe its own ass, let alone perform a much needed house cleaning. The NRA is in desperate need of an enema, but who is going to insert it?

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