Saturday, November 30, 2019
COPPA and Youtube, a screwjob from Google and the government to you
I live an a liberal state and the people in it LOVE big government, the bigger the better. They have this Pollyanna viewpoint of big daddy government taking care of people via socialism.
Well, in theory that's wonderful, but big government also means a big jackboot. Like, say, chemically castrating someone for being gay.
Or fire bombing a building in a densely populated urban neighborhood.
What could go wrong there! 61 houses burned down? Oooops!
COPPA is a "for the children" law that in its face looks benevolent. But along comes youtube, and the government and Google got in to a dustup over COPPA.
So Google winds up having to shit out $170 million. But the people who are really going to get the screw from this are the youtube creators.
Google, not wanting to shit out more money to the government, is foisting the responsibility for this abortion on to the creators. Creators now have to try to figure out(and this is NOT clear cut) whether their content is for kids, kids and adults, or just adults. Kid content gets demonetized, no $$$ 4 U!! Oh but it gets even worse. Because if a creator's content they labeled as adult is deemed "kid directed" by the government, they can get slapped with a $42,530 fine, per video.
While obviously Thomas the Choo Choo train is "kid directed" it can get fuzzy. Is a video with some toys in the background "kid directed"?
Maybe the solution is for creators to begin every video by saying "Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck" to the sound of disco with animated dancing penises in the background.
Sunday, September 29, 2019
Welfare, time for reform
Mostly people on the left, but some on the right too won't like this. It's time to tighten up welfare. Usually when this is said people mean cutting the rolls. I don't mean that. I don't want to see anyone living on the street. However the state has been far too generous with welfare, and it's time to pinch it down.
Right now you have welfare people living in apartments with separate kitchen, living room and bedroom. They have free health care, spending money, and food stamps too.
Meanwhile you have mid and low income working people sharing a house with multiple people. They have to share a bathroom, and kitchen, sometimes with over 5 other people. They are often stuck with a high deductible health care plan where if they get sick they have to pay the bill up to whatever the deductible is, which is usually over $1000 dollars. Maybe if they make a little more they get to live in a small studio, nowhere near as nice as what welfare people get for free.
Who would ever want to get off welfare so they can live in a house stuffed with roommates, and get a crap health care plan to boot?
The system needs reform. Welfare people should get the same housing college dorm students do. Tiny rooms with communal bathrooms/showers on each floor. Health care could be like an HMO, they could go to a state run clinic that hires doctors on the cheap fresh out of medical school. Free food should be basic staples, it could be distributed at the dorms. Money given out should be minimal, maybe enough for public transportation.
Anyone who doesn't like this is free to get a job, there is certainly a lot more incentive to do so under that system than there is under the current one.
"But what about corporate welfare?" Get rid of it. If a company can't float itself without taxpayer money, let it sink.
Right now you have welfare people living in apartments with separate kitchen, living room and bedroom. They have free health care, spending money, and food stamps too.
Meanwhile you have mid and low income working people sharing a house with multiple people. They have to share a bathroom, and kitchen, sometimes with over 5 other people. They are often stuck with a high deductible health care plan where if they get sick they have to pay the bill up to whatever the deductible is, which is usually over $1000 dollars. Maybe if they make a little more they get to live in a small studio, nowhere near as nice as what welfare people get for free.
Who would ever want to get off welfare so they can live in a house stuffed with roommates, and get a crap health care plan to boot?
The system needs reform. Welfare people should get the same housing college dorm students do. Tiny rooms with communal bathrooms/showers on each floor. Health care could be like an HMO, they could go to a state run clinic that hires doctors on the cheap fresh out of medical school. Free food should be basic staples, it could be distributed at the dorms. Money given out should be minimal, maybe enough for public transportation.
Anyone who doesn't like this is free to get a job, there is certainly a lot more incentive to do so under that system than there is under the current one.
"But what about corporate welfare?" Get rid of it. If a company can't float itself without taxpayer money, let it sink.
Wednesday, June 26, 2019
4th of July, fuck off busybodies

Even going online looking for injury stats all you get are links to fear mongering articles. The following link is literally the ONLY stats article I found that was not anti fireworks propaganda.
The 4th has turned in to a real cuck-a-palooza, they all come out of the wood work to pontificate and berate. They LOVE to lay on the guilt too, nice and thick. When "Fireworks scare dogs!" didn't work, the next guilt trip was "Fireworks scare veterans!" What about the fireworks shows put on by the "pros" that they always recommend in lieu of lighting off your own? Don't those scare puppies and vets too? If you live in some urban area where everyone is jammed together balls to asscheeks, then expect loud noises.
Not everyone on the left is a cuck, but if someone is always pushing for laws to protect people from themselves while pontificating about it in a pompous, arrogant tone, yes, they are a cuck.
You know how to tell when someone is full of shit when it comes to stats? They give numbers, with no context or comparisons. "Oh, x amount of people were killed and injured with fireworks, and because of them being legal in more states THAT NUMBER IS GOING UP!!!!" While true, sir cuck, may I have some context with that? Like, out of all the people who use fireworks, what is the % of them that get injured? Just how does that % compare to other activities? Say camping, barbecue, jogging, etc? Do we need laws banning these activities if the % injury rates are the same or higher? If not, why not? Just what the FUCK is it about consumer fireworks that has every hand wringing busybody in the U.S.'s panties in a bunch? I wish the left in states that restrict or ban fireworks would fuck off. The media too. I find "don't light off fireworks because they are illegal, scary, and you might hurt yourself" pretentious, patronizing, and insulting. Stop treating me like a fucking kid, and if you are worried about "the children" then apply your shitty laws to people under 21 or 18, just like booze and ciggi laws do.
Saturday, June 22, 2019
The NRA, time to clean house
I started smelling a rat with the NRA when they came out in support of both a bump stock ban, AND red flag laws.
I was suspicious of Oliver North's appointment as well. His shady past just didn't seem to make him a good fit for a high profile position in the NRA. Now the above document makes North and Cox look like the bad guys, picking on poor aggrieved Wayne LaPierre. What I see is different. I see a bunch of dirty, stinking rats, all bilking the NRA and tearing each other apart in the process.
There are NO good guys here, rather a group of scoundrels having a falling out. I think some members have been like an ostrich while this has been going on, and I don't blame them. An NRA run by bilko artists primarily concerned with their own self aggrandizement is TERRIBLE for gun owners. It couldn't have come at a worse time, as Bloomberg's anti gun lobby has been going state to state spending millions to get gun laws passed. Bloomberg is fanatically anti gun, he is putting his own money in to this. An NRA rotten at the top can't win against a fanatic billionaire. And it hasn't. Bloomberg's every town for gun safety has been getting red flag laws passed in state after state. With the NRA supporting red flag laws Bloomberg's opposition has only come from much smaller groups like the GOA, SAF, and local jokel state gun rights groups. He's pushed a lot of other shitty state gun laws too, with great success in the purple states. Bloomberg is well aware of what is going on with the NRA and makes sure all of it goes out in the news. He doesn't even have to lie, which is a sad thing.
The NRA does have a board of directors, but that is an 76 dude clusterfuck that can't even find the toilet paper to wipe its own ass, let alone perform a much needed house cleaning. The NRA is in desperate need of an enema, but who is going to insert it?
Friday, March 29, 2019
The American Dream, RIP
I think the death got started in the 70's. The Carter economy was almost as bad as Bush 1 and 2's economy.
While the economy improved under Reagan, during the 80's the country began to hemorrhage manufacturing jobs. Then job loss part deux during the 90's and 2000's, as a lot of office people wound up out of work when their jobs got outsourced. The media was very blase and repeated ad nauseum "They'll just have to go back to school and learn a new skill". As if it's easy for someone who already went through 4 years of college and was then supporting a family to shit out that kind of money for another 4 year degree.
Recently the media has gotten its comeuppance. People have been leaving #learntocode comments on media people who have been laid off's social media pages, as now it is their turn to feel some hard times.
So during this time period where manufacturing pretty much died in the U.S. and office jobs got outsourced, housing prices went up, and up, and up, and up and up, WAY beyond the inflation rate.
As you see from the chart, rents also rose concurrently so everyone has taken the hit. Other than CEO's, no ones salary has kept up with housing cost increases.
A HUGE part of the american dream was owning a house. Up to the mid 70's even someone with a high school diploma could eventually realize that dream, as there were decent paying manufacturing jobs. You know, the ones the politicians told us we don't need anymore. Some still do realize that dream, but a lot of people won't.
While the economy improved under Reagan, during the 80's the country began to hemorrhage manufacturing jobs. Then job loss part deux during the 90's and 2000's, as a lot of office people wound up out of work when their jobs got outsourced. The media was very blase and repeated ad nauseum "They'll just have to go back to school and learn a new skill". As if it's easy for someone who already went through 4 years of college and was then supporting a family to shit out that kind of money for another 4 year degree.
Recently the media has gotten its comeuppance. People have been leaving #learntocode comments on media people who have been laid off's social media pages, as now it is their turn to feel some hard times.
So during this time period where manufacturing pretty much died in the U.S. and office jobs got outsourced, housing prices went up, and up, and up, and up and up, WAY beyond the inflation rate.
As you see from the chart, rents also rose concurrently so everyone has taken the hit. Other than CEO's, no ones salary has kept up with housing cost increases.
A HUGE part of the american dream was owning a house. Up to the mid 70's even someone with a high school diploma could eventually realize that dream, as there were decent paying manufacturing jobs. You know, the ones the politicians told us we don't need anymore. Some still do realize that dream, but a lot of people won't.
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