Sunday, June 2, 2013

Fucktardia in the schools

Zero tolerance for guns in the school system. What exactly does that mean? I guess first off no rifle teams like they had in the 50's, WHEN NO ONE GOT SHOT AT SCHOOL. A reasonable person would conclude that any firearm IE real gun that shoots bullets is banned, with students caught with them on school grounds being expelled or at least suspended for a long time. You could even add airsoft, bb, and pellet guns to the list as they are capable of causing harm to people.

But here is where things get absurd. School systems are applying the no tolerance regulation to ANYTHING that has the word "gun" in it, or even slightly resembles a gun. There is no reason, logic or thought process to this, just a bunch of panicky handwringer fucktards who are incapable of differentiating between a little girl with a hello kitty bubble gun and the Sandy Hook shooter. The little girl made this statement
I'll shoot you, you shoot me, and we'll all play together
referring to shooting her friend with the bubble gun, which for clarity, shoots bubbles, not bullets. For this she got suspended for making a "terroristic threat". She's five years old. So now in panic America five year old girls with pink plastic bubble guns are the new terrorists. Anyone with even the TINIEST bit of common sense would see this as absurd. That little girl has NOTHING in common with real terrorists. If this was just one isolated case it would be bad enough, but the anti - anything that even resembles a gun hysteria repeats itself ad nauseum.
  • Threatening a five year old boy with suspension for making a toy gun from legos.

  • Forcing yet another "toddler terrorist" to apologize to the bus driver for playing with a lego gun the size of a quarter. He got detention too. Bad boy.

  • Suspending a 5th grade girl for having a paper gun. Even worse searching her in front of the whole class. Who is the criminal, a little girl with a paper gun or an adult pervert feeling her up?

  • Now the panic pussies are harassing a three year old deaf kid. They don't like the fact that his name sign looks like a gun, so they tried to force him to change it. For ONCE reason prevailed, enough people screamed at them so they backed down. What's next, making someone who's last name is Gunn get a name change?

  • A school in Maryland interrogated a five year old capgun cowboy for two hours with no parents or advocate present until he pissed himself.

  • Suspending a seven year old pastry perp for shaping his pastry into what looked like a gun.

  • Suspending a 12 year old boy for playing airsoft in his own yard. WTF, schools get to dictate how kids play in their homes now?

  • A 12 year old boy was suspended for ,bringing a quarter sized toy keychain gun to school. He's a real badass, throw the book at him.

  • This juvenile delinquent had the AUDACITY to bring a plastic butter knife to school. Good thing alert school officials made everyone safe by suspending this West Side Story wannabe.

  • Update - Its gotten even worse, an 11 year old boy was suspended from school for just talking about guns.

  • Oooops, there they go again. OooOOoo, a 5th grader pointed his finger at another kids head and said BOOM!! I'm just so scared I SHIT MYSELF!

  • Look out!!! This teen terrorist had the audacity to leave a FOLDING KNIFE in his car on school grounds. He is being charged with a felony on what used to be at MOST grounds for suspension. Way to go school admins and pigs, great job ruining this kids life.

  • OMG this boy TWIRLED HIS PENCIL "like a gun". Some pussy reported him because they claimed they "felt threatened".

  • He killed a dinosaur!!!

  • Yet another capgun cowboy.
    This bad hombre tried to rustle a school bus! Good thing the cops showed up to bring that six year old scofflaw to justice!

  • Flasssssh, Gordon! This 10 year old got suspended for pointing his finger and making ray gun sounds. Who's the principle, Ming the Merciless?

  • ONE RING, TO RULE THEM ALL!! Mindless hysteria in the schools isn't just for guns anymore! Those Texas cowboys sure showed that wicked wizard wannabe whose boss!

  • 4 year old brings "shotgun bullet" to school! Gangstahz get younger every year.
How has it gotten so bad that adults are disturbed by three year old deaf kids? Mindless panic in the wake of incidents like Sandy Hook solves nothing. Just how are school systems harassing these kids making things safer?

The next REAL school shooter isn't going to give a fuck about a school systems zero tolerance gun policy and he won't be showing up with a quarter sized lego gun.

1 comment:

  1. When will Florida have its border redrawn to give up it's "Pan Handle" to Alabama so it is not shaped like a gun...?
