I was thinking about a news report on Fukushima and some bullshit the pro nuke shills were unsuccessfully trying to get me to gag down.
They claim that the average exposure was less than you get from flying on a plane. Now, that in itself is probably a bald faced lie, but lets for sake of argument say that part is true. Here is what they left out. When you go on a plane or get x-rays, you get irradiated for a set time period, then it stops.
Fukushima BLEW UP! When that happened radioactive particles got spread out all over the place. Some of these particles have a looooong half life. People near that plants explosion most likely either breathed in or ingested some of those particles. Instead of the short term radiation exposure of an airplane flight or x-ray, someone with one of those particles cooking in their lungs gets continually exposed. So after 15-20 years of this, HELLOOO CANCER! Of course the long time period from being exposed to the contaminants to the cancer gives the pro nuke scums all the deniability they need.
Friday, August 23, 2013
Urban survival, a big river changes things
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Monday, August 12, 2013
Self defense with a knife, never say never
There is a poisonous philosophy going around the knife carrying world that a knife should never be used for self defence. They give a lot of reasons and sometimes better alternatives, but never is an absolute, and absolutes are almost always, at some point and time, wrong.
Replace never, with "last ditch only" and you would actually be giving good advice. With last ditch only you try all the other alternatives first. Usually they will work, but usually is not always, and when everything else fails lying in a ball getting beat into a hospital or morgue isn't a better alternative than pulling your edc knife.
Lets go down the alternatives, and their fail points.
Replace never, with "last ditch only" and you would actually be giving good advice. With last ditch only you try all the other alternatives first. Usually they will work, but usually is not always, and when everything else fails lying in a ball getting beat into a hospital or morgue isn't a better alternative than pulling your edc knife.
Lets go down the alternatives, and their fail points.
- A gun/pepper spray/taser is better.
Well, yeah, especially the first one, gun. But hold your cowboy hat Texas, there are states/cities especially in the Northeast that either force you to try to get a "may issue"(meaning they don't have to give it to you) license or an outright ban on one of the above.
- It's the law, you'll get arrested and assraped in jail!!
Again, going to the hospital/morgue NOW, or possible jail later. This is not rocket science.
- You can run
Absolutely, if you are fast on your feet, near help, this can be a good solution! If you can make this work, DO SO! However, unlike what the anti knife defense crowd wants you to believe, this is NOT a 100% success solution, I would say not even close or the hoods would go out of business. Running is a MOVE, the same as a martial arts block, a punch, or pulling a gun. Moves don't always work and you need to have more than one in your bag of tricks. While running might work great for a 20 something or even an older person who jogs a lot, it's chances drop when someone is 50 and not in the greatest shape. It also drops when there are multiple opponents.
Also, where are ya gonna run to on a train/bus?
So run if you can, just don't assume that will always get you home free.
- Just give them the money
Sure, try that, but I can't tell you how many news stories I've read about people who handed over the money and then were beaten/killed because the crack/meth head loser either didn't think they gave him enough, or was just vicious.
- If he has a knife, you'll get cut
See "give them the money" above. If they are not happy with the money you turned over and you can't out run them how are you not going to get cut? Your chances are better if you let them know by showing your knife that they are going to get cut.
- YOU'RE WRONG, YOU'RE WRONG, because Joe Karate at iknoweverythingselfdefense.com said so!
OooooOo, Hong Kong Phooey said I was wrong, gotta concede immediately...not!
I think some of these martial arts guys have been doing it so long they are not factoring in that everyone isn't like them. Sure Karate Dan can head kick someone and then run, good for him, but he's not considering that most likely some 50 year old guy can't do that and can't run very fast or long either.
Just because some expert says something doesn't mean they are always right, and in the case of self defense if they are using the word never take that advice with a huge grain of salt.
Monday, June 10, 2013
Welfare vs Jerkwork
Hmm, Joe Sixpack high school grad has a dilemma. Which should he do, walk 100 miles to the welfare office, or down the street to start an exciting career at Macci D's! Let's do a comparison of welfare, and jerkwork.
Welfare/SSI is the door to the magic kingdom of government handouts. Why welfare over a jerkwork job? Well
Maybe a little more help for low income WORKING people and A LOT LESS handouts to welfare leeches would change that.
Welfare/SSI is the door to the magic kingdom of government handouts. Why welfare over a jerkwork job? Well
- With welfare you are eligible for food stamps, with a minimum wage full time jerk job you "make too much money"
- Wefare recipient is eligible for discount/free housing via section 8 or public housing, full time jerkwork guy "makes too much money"
- Welfare leech gets free phone, jerkwork dude, you guessed it "makes too much money"
- Program may have been discontinued, but for a while welfare leech got a free car, jerkwork dude has to buy his own of of his peanut paycheck, then its $$$$$ in auto repairs if it doesn't pass picky Mass inspection
- Welfare leech gets free health care, under Obama care jerkwork dude is considered to "make too much money" for any government assistance, and will be forced to pay $50 to $100 A WEEK for private insurance or face penalties.
- Of course free money - Welfare leech doesn't even have to pick up a check, they get a credit like ebt card and the account gets refilled every month. Jerkwork dude works a MIN of 40 hours a week for a peanut paycheck, while welfare leech watches Maury on cable tv.
- Pity vs ridicule - The same liberals who so pity the welfare leech that they even oppose pictures on the ebt cards to root out fraud look down on jerkwork dude with scorn and derision.
Maybe a little more help for low income WORKING people and A LOT LESS handouts to welfare leeches would change that.
Sunday, June 2, 2013
Fucktardia in the schools
Zero tolerance for guns in the school system. What exactly does that mean? I guess first off no rifle teams like they had in the 50's, WHEN NO ONE GOT SHOT AT SCHOOL. A reasonable person would conclude that any firearm IE real gun that shoots bullets is banned, with students caught with them on school grounds being expelled or at least suspended for a long time. You could even add airsoft, bb, and pellet guns to the list as they are capable of causing harm to people.
But here is where things get absurd. School systems are applying the no tolerance regulation to ANYTHING that has the word "gun" in it, or even slightly resembles a gun. There is no reason, logic or thought process to this, just a bunch of panicky handwringer fucktards who are incapable of differentiating between a little girl with a hello kitty bubble gun and the Sandy Hook shooter. The little girl made this statement
The next REAL school shooter isn't going to give a fuck about a school systems zero tolerance gun policy and he won't be showing up with a quarter sized lego gun.
But here is where things get absurd. School systems are applying the no tolerance regulation to ANYTHING that has the word "gun" in it, or even slightly resembles a gun. There is no reason, logic or thought process to this, just a bunch of panicky handwringer fucktards who are incapable of differentiating between a little girl with a hello kitty bubble gun and the Sandy Hook shooter. The little girl made this statement
I'll shoot you, you shoot me, and we'll all play togetherreferring to shooting her friend with the bubble gun, which for clarity, shoots bubbles, not bullets. For this she got suspended for making a "terroristic threat". She's five years old. So now in panic America five year old girls with pink plastic bubble guns are the new terrorists. Anyone with even the TINIEST bit of common sense would see this as absurd. That little girl has NOTHING in common with real terrorists. If this was just one isolated case it would be bad enough, but the anti - anything that even resembles a gun hysteria repeats itself ad nauseum.
- Threatening a five year old boy with suspension for making a toy gun from legos.
- Forcing yet another "toddler terrorist" to apologize to the bus driver for playing with a lego gun the size of a quarter. He got detention too. Bad boy.
- Suspending a 5th grade girl for having a paper gun. Even worse searching her in front of the whole class. Who is the criminal, a little girl with a paper gun or an adult pervert feeling her up?
- Now the panic pussies are harassing a three year old deaf kid. They don't like the fact that his name sign looks like a gun, so they tried to force him to change it. For ONCE reason prevailed, enough people screamed at them so they backed down. What's next, making someone who's last name is Gunn get a name change?
- A school in Maryland interrogated a five year old capgun cowboy for two hours with no parents or advocate present until he pissed himself.
- Suspending a seven year old pastry perp for shaping his pastry into what looked like a gun.
- Suspending a 12 year old boy for playing airsoft in his own yard. WTF, schools get to dictate how kids play in their homes now?
- A 12 year old boy was suspended for ,bringing a quarter sized toy keychain gun to school. He's a real badass, throw the book at him.
- This juvenile delinquent had the AUDACITY to bring a plastic butter knife to school. Good thing alert school officials made everyone safe by suspending this West Side Story wannabe.
- Update - Its gotten even worse, an 11 year old boy was suspended from school for just talking about guns.
- Oooops, there they go again. OooOOoo, a 5th grader pointed his finger at another kids head and said BOOM!! I'm just so scared I SHIT MYSELF!
- Look out!!! This teen terrorist had the audacity to leave a FOLDING KNIFE in his car on school grounds. He is being charged with a felony on what used to be at MOST grounds for suspension. Way to go school admins and pigs, great job ruining this kids life.
- OMG this boy TWIRLED HIS PENCIL "like a gun". Some pussy reported him because they claimed they "felt threatened".
- He killed a dinosaur!!!
- Yet another capgun cowboy.
This bad hombre tried to rustle a school bus! Good thing the cops showed up to bring that six year old scofflaw to justice!
- Flasssssh, Gordon! This 10 year old got suspended for pointing his finger and making ray gun sounds. Who's the principle, Ming the Merciless?
- ONE RING, TO RULE THEM ALL!! Mindless hysteria in the schools isn't just for guns anymore! Those Texas cowboys sure showed that wicked wizard wannabe whose boss!
- 4 year old brings "shotgun bullet" to school! Gangstahz get younger every year.
The next REAL school shooter isn't going to give a fuck about a school systems zero tolerance gun policy and he won't be showing up with a quarter sized lego gun.
Wednesday, April 24, 2013
A message to democrats
Enough already. Stop wasting time trying to pass gun control and amnesty for illegal aliens. FIX THE ECONOMY!!! The economy has been rotten since George W Bush and has not improved. People have been out of work for so long their unemployment money has run out.
Stop LYING to people with bogus inflation figures that claim it's not that bad. The inflation index doesn't count food and gas, and both of those have skyrocketed. Yes Virginia, there IS an inflation-Claus.
Stop blaming the republicans for not giving you a blank check, you are NOT going to spend your way out of this with bogus Keynesian economics. The old tax and spend won't sell, especially with so many people being out of work.
The republicans want you to cut welfare, do so. But insist that any cuts in welfare for people be accompanied by massive cuts in corporate welfare. If republicans heel drag, go to the media and appeal to the public. A refusal to cut corporate welfare when welfare for people is on the table is pure pandering and should not be hard to point out via the media. Pour on the shame.
It's time to start punishing companies who outsource all their labor. You want to raise taxes, forget about hitting Joe Sixpack with a tax increase, he can't afford it. Pass a nice, fat tax penalty on all the companies that are contributing to the jobs deficit here. You want to "fix" the country, forget about partisan BS, it won't work for you or the republicans. Do everything possible to bring back manufacturing. You think that you can squeeze water from a stone by jacking up the taxes. That's not the way to economic recovery. There are many people with high school only education, as well as people in their 50's who can't find work in their profession. If you brought back manufacturing these people would have a much better option than struggling for low pay/benefit service jobs like McDonald's. Making a higher wage would, not incidentally, put them in a higher tax bracket, so the government you love so very much would be raking in more tax income without a tax increase.
Last but not least, dump the morality cop mentality. Legalize drugs, sports gambling, and prostitution. Not only will the government RAKE in money from all the tax revenue, it will save millions, if not billions by dumping the police state apparatus currently in place to enforce such laws.
But you won't do any of that. Instead you'll continue the same old dirge of trying to push through more gun control, higher taxes, and amnesty for illegals. The republicans will continue to try to give breaks to corporations who'll give NOTHING in return for them, oppose abortion, while continuing to claim the failed war on drugs is a good idea.
I guess there is bi-partisanship of a weird sort. You, and your cohorts the republicans, are destroying the country.
Stop LYING to people with bogus inflation figures that claim it's not that bad. The inflation index doesn't count food and gas, and both of those have skyrocketed. Yes Virginia, there IS an inflation-Claus.
Stop blaming the republicans for not giving you a blank check, you are NOT going to spend your way out of this with bogus Keynesian economics. The old tax and spend won't sell, especially with so many people being out of work.
The republicans want you to cut welfare, do so. But insist that any cuts in welfare for people be accompanied by massive cuts in corporate welfare. If republicans heel drag, go to the media and appeal to the public. A refusal to cut corporate welfare when welfare for people is on the table is pure pandering and should not be hard to point out via the media. Pour on the shame.
It's time to start punishing companies who outsource all their labor. You want to raise taxes, forget about hitting Joe Sixpack with a tax increase, he can't afford it. Pass a nice, fat tax penalty on all the companies that are contributing to the jobs deficit here. You want to "fix" the country, forget about partisan BS, it won't work for you or the republicans. Do everything possible to bring back manufacturing. You think that you can squeeze water from a stone by jacking up the taxes. That's not the way to economic recovery. There are many people with high school only education, as well as people in their 50's who can't find work in their profession. If you brought back manufacturing these people would have a much better option than struggling for low pay/benefit service jobs like McDonald's. Making a higher wage would, not incidentally, put them in a higher tax bracket, so the government you love so very much would be raking in more tax income without a tax increase.
Last but not least, dump the morality cop mentality. Legalize drugs, sports gambling, and prostitution. Not only will the government RAKE in money from all the tax revenue, it will save millions, if not billions by dumping the police state apparatus currently in place to enforce such laws.
But you won't do any of that. Instead you'll continue the same old dirge of trying to push through more gun control, higher taxes, and amnesty for illegals. The republicans will continue to try to give breaks to corporations who'll give NOTHING in return for them, oppose abortion, while continuing to claim the failed war on drugs is a good idea.
I guess there is bi-partisanship of a weird sort. You, and your cohorts the republicans, are destroying the country.
Monday, April 15, 2013
Islam vs Scientology
I'm not a scientologist. Lets get that clear before the accusations start. I don't have a horse in this race,I'm an atheist. Meaning I don't believe in invisible people or doodads I can't see or hear, just because some book says they exist. Absence of evidence is evidence of absence.
I keep hearing the same load of bullshit from multiple people. Scientology is illegitimate, because it was invented by L. Ron Hubbard, and there are people who were around him when he decided to make it up.
Islam, however is a "legit" religion because it has been around for around 1400 years.
Really? So by this logic, if the person who perpetrated an OUTRAGEOUS LIE about an all powerful invisible being has been dead for a millennium, HIS story has more gravitas than someone who told their lie less than 100 years ago. Sorry peeps, I'm not buying it. A ridiculous lie is a ridiculous lie not matter how old it is. By this logic you could argue that Paul Bunyan walked the forests with a giant blue ox named Babe. Why not; whoever made up that tale is long dead and it's over 100 years old. Certainly nowhere near as old as Islam, but the tale has some "seasoning" to it.
Scientology gets rightly criticized as cult like, but Islam and it's followers, the Muslims get a pass over and over and over again. Criticize Scientology or it's followers and you get head nodding agreement. Criticize Islam or Muslims and you get called a racist. Hey shitheads, FYI 4 U, Islam is a RELIGION, it IS NOT A RACE!!! It is a belief system from a book, not a gene sequence determining who someone is.
From Richard Dawkins
I keep hearing the same load of bullshit from multiple people. Scientology is illegitimate, because it was invented by L. Ron Hubbard, and there are people who were around him when he decided to make it up.
Islam, however is a "legit" religion because it has been around for around 1400 years.
Really? So by this logic, if the person who perpetrated an OUTRAGEOUS LIE about an all powerful invisible being has been dead for a millennium, HIS story has more gravitas than someone who told their lie less than 100 years ago. Sorry peeps, I'm not buying it. A ridiculous lie is a ridiculous lie not matter how old it is. By this logic you could argue that Paul Bunyan walked the forests with a giant blue ox named Babe. Why not; whoever made up that tale is long dead and it's over 100 years old. Certainly nowhere near as old as Islam, but the tale has some "seasoning" to it.
Scientology gets rightly criticized as cult like, but Islam and it's followers, the Muslims get a pass over and over and over again. Criticize Scientology or it's followers and you get head nodding agreement. Criticize Islam or Muslims and you get called a racist. Hey shitheads, FYI 4 U, Islam is a RELIGION, it IS NOT A RACE!!! It is a belief system from a book, not a gene sequence determining who someone is.
From Richard Dawkins
If Islam's a "race", so is Christianity, so is socialism. Are you a "racist`" if you despise socialism? I've never voted Tory: Toryphobic?There is a propensity for violence in Islam that is not seen in Scientology. When was the last time you read Scientologists hijacked a plane? Blew up a building? Took hostages? While it is true that most practitioners of Islam are not terrorists, just what does "most" mean? There are 1.8 billion followers of Islam, so even a small % of this group being violent adds up to a lot of people. There is also a larger % that while not actively engaged in terrorism, condone it
Subsequently, however, on Osama Bin Laden's death, many Muslims in UK came out on streets in support of Osama, announcing him as an Islamic hero and condemned the role of US and west in killing him. The protest against Bin Laden’s death was organised by controversial preacher Anjem Choudary – who praised both 7/7 and the September 11 attacks.Before you get your panties to twisted up in a bunch with righteous "Monkey's pickin on the poor Muslims" rage, I'll conclude by stating that both Islam and Scientology suck. Scientology just sucks less.
Tuesday, March 5, 2013
Liberals for civil rights? Not so fast...
I don't know why people have this ILLUSION that liberals support civil liberties. They support a FEW that fit under a politically correct umbrella but even then stray. Look at Obummer and his NDAA indefinite detention for U.S. citizens accused of supporting terrorism? A more heinous and gross violation of the constitution can't be found anywhere.
Or how about the NSA spying on everyone?
Then you have all the liberals on the Supreme court in the Kelo decision voting that Walmart can take your house because they generate more tax money than you do. Of course it goes without saying that any woman who wants to protect herself from rape can just go fuck herself because gun control takes priority over women's safety with the democrats.
NYC is a liberal Nazi land. You can't order a soda that's too big, you can't feed the homeless, you can't walk while black without being stopped and searched, and if you are a woman you can't loiter, talk to a man while carrying a condom, because surprise, that makes you a sex worker under NYC law.
Here's another one for you. Chicago is hardly a bastion of conservatism, it has been blue forever. So you'd think in a city like that, black people's civil rights would be respected by the police. Surprise surprise, the cops were running their own little Gitmo in Homan Square.
Or how about the NSA spying on everyone?
Then you have all the liberals on the Supreme court in the Kelo decision voting that Walmart can take your house because they generate more tax money than you do. Of course it goes without saying that any woman who wants to protect herself from rape can just go fuck herself because gun control takes priority over women's safety with the democrats.
NYC is a liberal Nazi land. You can't order a soda that's too big, you can't feed the homeless, you can't walk while black without being stopped and searched, and if you are a woman you can't loiter, talk to a man while carrying a condom, because surprise, that makes you a sex worker under NYC law.
Here's another one for you. Chicago is hardly a bastion of conservatism, it has been blue forever. So you'd think in a city like that, black people's civil rights would be respected by the police. Surprise surprise, the cops were running their own little Gitmo in Homan Square.
Homan Square is definitely an unusual place,” Church told the Guardian on Friday. “It brings to mind the interrogation facilities they use in the Middle East. The CIA calls them black sites. It’s a domestic black site. When you go in, no one knows what’s happened to you.
Unlike a precinct, no one taken to Homan Square is said to be booked. Witnesses, suspects or other Chicagoans who end up inside do not appear to have a public, searchable record entered into a database indicating where they are, as happens when someone is booked at a precinct. Lawyers and relatives insist there is no way of finding their whereabouts. Those lawyers who have attempted to gain access to Homan Square are most often turned away, even as their clients remain in custody inside.Who was running Chicago in 2015 when this article came out? Democrat Rahm Emanuel. Wassup homie?! Luuuuucy, you got some 'splaining to do!
Tuesday, January 15, 2013
You come to my table
I've been hearing a LOT of post Sandy Hook talk from the media about "coming to the table" with gun control advocates. Translated, this means gun owners should decide just how much more of their second amendment right they are going to give up in the form of more gun laws. Fuck that. I'm not giving up ANY of my constitutional rights, the government has already been doing a fine job of stealing them from me already.
One thing I've noticed in all this push for more gun laws is no one from either side has bothered to take a look at history. If you go back to the 60's and before that school shootings were unheard of. So if you are looking for causation and a solution, it would seem a logical course of action would be to examine what was different between back then and now.
There were FAR less gun laws on the books, pre 1968 you could order guns through the mail.
I'm not sure about the 60's, but I know in the 50's kids brought guns to school because they had rifle clubs. No one used them to shoot at anyone else.
Back then giving kids phychotropic drugs was virtually unheard of. It's natural for kids to be active, there wasn't a mass diagnosis of "hyperactivity", like there is now. Overly active kids were made to work it off playing football and other sports. As a side benefit you didn't have much childhood obesity back then either.
Mental institutions were far more common, and back then insane people were placed in them, rather than be allowed to wander around homeless on the street like they are now. Many of the institutions that housed the mentally ill have been shut down, so now there is no place to put people who need help.
You would think with less gun laws and kids bringing rifles to schools there would have been MORE school shootings back then, instead of virtually none. But such is not the case. So we need to look at what else is different, and now it's time to come to a different table.
It seems to me the major difference between then and now is kids being dosed up on psych drugs and adult mentally ill people with nowhere to go on the streets.
So just why isn't there a "table" where people are coming to discuss the possibility of kids raised on psych drugs and mentally ill people not being confined being a major causation of school shootings?
According to this article many of the people involved in school shootings were on psych drugs.
There isn't one. But there should be.

One thing I've noticed in all this push for more gun laws is no one from either side has bothered to take a look at history. If you go back to the 60's and before that school shootings were unheard of. So if you are looking for causation and a solution, it would seem a logical course of action would be to examine what was different between back then and now.
There were FAR less gun laws on the books, pre 1968 you could order guns through the mail.
I'm not sure about the 60's, but I know in the 50's kids brought guns to school because they had rifle clubs. No one used them to shoot at anyone else.
Back then giving kids phychotropic drugs was virtually unheard of. It's natural for kids to be active, there wasn't a mass diagnosis of "hyperactivity", like there is now. Overly active kids were made to work it off playing football and other sports. As a side benefit you didn't have much childhood obesity back then either.
Mental institutions were far more common, and back then insane people were placed in them, rather than be allowed to wander around homeless on the street like they are now. Many of the institutions that housed the mentally ill have been shut down, so now there is no place to put people who need help.
You would think with less gun laws and kids bringing rifles to schools there would have been MORE school shootings back then, instead of virtually none. But such is not the case. So we need to look at what else is different, and now it's time to come to a different table.
It seems to me the major difference between then and now is kids being dosed up on psych drugs and adult mentally ill people with nowhere to go on the streets.
So just why isn't there a "table" where people are coming to discuss the possibility of kids raised on psych drugs and mentally ill people not being confined being a major causation of school shootings?
According to this article many of the people involved in school shootings were on psych drugs.
As a medical expert, I also had access to medical records and can confirm from these unpublished documents that Eric Harris was taking Luvox regularly for one year leading up to the shootings. The dose was increased 200 mg per day on February 9, 2009, two and one-half months prior to the April 20th assaults. He saw his doctor and his prescription was renewed on March 13, 2009. At that time, the medical record described him as suffering from medication-induced tremors, indicating a degree of toxicity.He goes on to talk about the Aurora shooter
For example, James Holmes, the Aurora, Colorado shooter was in treatment with psychiatrist Lynne Fenton in the months before he assaulted people in a movie theater. He mailed a box of materials to her shortly before committing the violence. A court hearing recently revealed that four prescription bottles had been removed from his home. Yet to this day information has been withheld about what psychiatric medications he was almost surely taking.And so it goes...
Similarly, there are unconfirmed reports that Newtown mass murderer Adam Lanza was taking psychiatric drugs. According to the Washington Post, he was, "A really rambunctious kid, as one former neighbor in Newtown, Conn., recalled him, adding that he was on medication." Yet no information has been released concerning his medication use.And what about the closing of the mental institutions? Has that caused problems? You bet. The following article by DJ Jaffe is about New York, but the situation is pretty much the same in the rest of the country. Jaffe writes
The impact of this insane let-em-lose-to-fend-for-themselves policy is cruel to people with mental illness who desperately need and want treatment. But it's also dangerous to the public. According to the Daily News, late last month, "A 25-year-old mentally ill Brooklyn man stabbed his mother and kid brother and beat them with a hammer." Near where Buffalo Psychiatric Center reduced beds, 6,300 homes experienced a blackout when a recently released allegedly mentally ill man used a chain saw to cut down utility poles. Near where Rockland Psychiatric Center reduced beds, police rescued a suicidal mentally ill man who was off medications, barricaded in his home and brandishing a pellet gun. And earlier this month, between where Rockland County Psychiatric Center and Hudson River Psychiatric Center reduced beds police shot and killed allegedly mentally ill Tim Mulqeen who brought a loaded shotgun and 50 rounds of ammunition to a city court.He goes on to say
When will this madness end? New York went from 599 psychiatric beds per 100,000 citizens down to twenty eight.
In New York, hospital closures mean you are now more likely to be arrested for having a serious mental illness than hospitalized.Here is another article that discusses the national consequences of dwindling mental health facilities.
State psychiatric hospital beds continue to dwindle nationwide, putting an incalculable strain on jails, prisons, hospital emergency rooms and law enforcement, according to a new study by a nonprofit treatment advocacy group for the severely mentally ill.So with regards to not just school but other mass shootings; why is gun control the only issue being discussed as a solution? Where is the "table" where both the treatment of kids with psych drugs potentially causing violent behavior and the lack of mental health facilities causing potentially dangerous people to be walking the streets are being discussed?
"What we are seeing is people who are presenting more acutely ill," said Doris A. Fuller, executive director of the Treatment Advocacy Center, which conducted the study of public psychiatric beds from 2005 to 2010. "We used to be able to take care of them faster."
During the five-year period, the number of public psychiatric beds nationally declined 14 percent, continuing a long trend that brings the per capita number of such beds to the lowest level since 1850, according to the study.
There isn't one. But there should be.
Friday, January 11, 2013
Why are cops always so angry and nasty? I know not ALL of them are, but it seems like MOST of them are. What, they have a hard job? So what. It's risky? I'd say it's no harder or riskier than a convenience store clerk or pizza delivery guy working in a bad neighborhood.
See the 10 riskiest jobs here. Notice who's not on the list!
In fact I'd argue that the store clerk and pizza guys jobs are MORE risky than the cops. Everyone KNOWS if someone shoots a cop they will be hunted down mercilessly forever by the rest of the cops. No one gives a FUCK about some minimum wage poor dude working a shit job. In a week they are forgotten about. The cop has a club, mace, taser, and gun to protect himself with. Clerks and Pizza guys usually get told by the very same armed to the teeth cops that they "don't need" a gun permit.
So who do YOU think is more likely to get shot by hoods? Yet in spite of doing a job that is high risk, pays shit, and garners absolutely NO respect I have found store clerks and pizza delivery people to be far more congenial than most cops. If police officers really want better community relations(and it's my opinion they actually don't give a flying fuck) they need to lose the unprofessional, arrogant, asshole attitude that is so prevalent among them. If cops want respect, maybe they should try giving some first.
See the 10 riskiest jobs here. Notice who's not on the list!
In fact I'd argue that the store clerk and pizza guys jobs are MORE risky than the cops. Everyone KNOWS if someone shoots a cop they will be hunted down mercilessly forever by the rest of the cops. No one gives a FUCK about some minimum wage poor dude working a shit job. In a week they are forgotten about. The cop has a club, mace, taser, and gun to protect himself with. Clerks and Pizza guys usually get told by the very same armed to the teeth cops that they "don't need" a gun permit.
So who do YOU think is more likely to get shot by hoods? Yet in spite of doing a job that is high risk, pays shit, and garners absolutely NO respect I have found store clerks and pizza delivery people to be far more congenial than most cops. If police officers really want better community relations(and it's my opinion they actually don't give a flying fuck) they need to lose the unprofessional, arrogant, asshole attitude that is so prevalent among them. If cops want respect, maybe they should try giving some first.
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