This is the EPITOME of liberal, nanny-state, overbearing government arrogance. They would literally rather have the homeless STARVE than eat food that is too salty or fatty. The recent hurricane has not changed anything, supplies low, sorry no non government distributed food 4 U victims and homeless. This ASSHOLE has been re elected three times already and will no doubt be elected again. What the fuck is it with people; do they need to be bent over and dominated THAT MUCH??
But it doesn't stop there. GOOD PEOPLE were starting to organize and give supplies to some of the hurricane victims. FEMA who did SO WELL during hurricane Katrina had demanded that people STOP DONATING ITEMS to Hurricane Sandy victims.
A community in need can "become easily overwhelmed with the amount of generous people who want to help," according to FEMA.So what FEMA is saying is "there is too much helpin' going on here". Are you FUCKING SERIOUS? Why is there this PERVASIVE fucktard mentality by government that EVERYTHING disaster related has to be coordinated and regulated by one entity? People distributing items to victims on their own are NOT interfering with ANYTHING FEMA is doing!!! They are in fact, SUPPLEMENTING it, by handing out additional items in areas that very well may not have received ANY government help yet.
The NY Times recently had an article going on about how necessary big government is in times of disaster. While big government can certainly get rebuilding on a large scale done, it needs to get the FUCK out of the way of private individuals trying to help who may, in some places, be doing a BETTER job than it is at helping people.
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