Friday, January 22, 2010

It's good for you

Did you ever notice, everything, and I mean EVERYTHING that's "good for you" sucks. Lets start with food. Of all the food groups, what is the very best for you? Green vegetables. BLECCCCHH!!!!!! Green vegetables taste like CRUD, and one of most nutritious, Broccoli smells like old bum piss too. Waiter, WAITER, can I have a side of dog shit with that!!! Of course for every yin there is a yang and it's the same here, as everything good for you sucks, everything bad for you rocks! Lets go back to food, bypassing the green crap, we arrive at the meat section. Here we have mouth watering fatty steak, deep fried chicken, batter soaked fish, POOOORK!!! Hell yeah I'll take fatty fries with that!! Of course it's all fattening, artery clog city, but it's one heaping plateful of AWESOME!!!!

Now lets get to exercise. Exercise sucks. Bigtime. I guess if you are one of those people who can go for 40min running/biking hard, while barely breaking a sweat it's less odious, but if you are not so fortunate it's like walking into a swamp, truly a loathsome endeavor, and no, a short walk doesn't do shit, at least not for me. If I'm not exercising like Private Pyle in Full Metal Jacket with Sgt. Hartman up his ass I get zero and I mean zero benefit from it. Thanks, but no thanks. Of course, doing something actually FUN, like playing video games or watching a great movie, or maybe reading a book are all bad for you, after eating the fatty meat and fries there is nothing like a nice, passive group of uber fun hobbys for weight gain.

Then you have rubbers. If your a guy I don't need to explain why rubbers suck, of course they are good for you as they prevent unwanted children and aids.

Is winter good for you? Considering how high a suck factor it has, it probably is.

Nerd food pyramid yummmmmm!

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