Everyone loves cars right? Going to the beach on a hot summer day, cruising down the road, fun fun fun till daddy takes the T bird away. The truth is, cars suck, for multiple reasons. I'm not even going into the environmental aspect, that's been well covered. Cars are expen$ive, really expensive. If you want a halfway decent one, you need to shell out 7 - 12k, and that is for a used car. Then, if you live in a tax hungry state like Massachusetts, you not only have to pay sales tax, but a yearly excise tax as well. Then you have registration fee, drivers license fee, and auto inspection fee. Massachusetts has mandatory auto insurance, and it's EXPENSIVE! The insurance companies have you by the balls and know it, as no insurance = no driving. The fun doesn't end there. Lets say you are late for work, so you drive a little too fast. Get pinched by a cop, and not only are you assessed a fine based off how much over the speed limit you were, but your insurance get's jacked up for years, as they rate you as a "risk". Now you can even get pulled over for not wearing a seat belt, as this is a moving offense your insurance gets jacked up for that too. Think your done shitting out $$$ yet? Think again. Cars break down, and the new ones are extremely complicated. So now you are forced to go to the auto mechanic, who is not cheap. If you are lucky you know an honest mechanic, if you don't then it becomes a crap shoot. The car business is LOADED with sleazeballs, from new and used car salesmen to dishonest, scum bag mechanics. Even after ripping you off for thousands of dollars your car can STILL come back not fixed right. Then you have the fun of going back and forth arguing with thug greasemonkeys. The joys of car ownership just never end.
You could always ride a bike, but that would require a different rant.
ReplyDeleteThat would get you my "New England weather sucks" rant.