There is a magic word politicians bring up whenever they want to shit all over the constitution and your rights. That word is "Public Safety". You hear it a lot when the issue of gun control comes up. "How do we thwart that pesky 2nd amendment", the politicians thought. It is thwarted when politicians, backed by anti gun judges, pass unconstitutional gun laws claiming public safety supersedes your rights guaranteed under the constitution. COVID-19 is a shining example of this. When the pandemic first came out we were all told we had to lock down and mask up for two weeks to "flatten the curve" so that hospitals would not be over run. This sounded so reasonable that no one objected. Then the two weeks came to an end, and the lockdowns and mask mandates got extended...indefinitely.
One thing that was never stressed enough was that people under 50 with no co-morbidities were at almost no risk of dying from COVID-19. Yet these people were locked down with everyone else. In the case of COVID-19 one shoe did NOT fit all, but the government sure forced everyone to wear it.
The government chicken littles ratcheted up the fear, which kept the sheep placid and in line. When asked "when is this going to end?" by small businesses going broke and about to go under, the response was "when a vaccine is developed". It can take years, decades, sometimes never when it comes to new vaccines.Landlords were also hurt as there was an eviction moratorium passed. Because of the lockdowns many people were out of work and could not pay rent. But you know what landlord still had to be paid? If you guessed big daddy government you would be correct! See, property tax is "rent" that landlords pay to the government. So while they got no rent from tenants, they were still expected to make property tax payments.
Hurrah, hurrah, hurrah, Trump fast tracked vaccine development, and the Trump..errr Biden vaccine came out and is now available to all. So all the mandates got retracted right? Well, hooold your horses there Buckaroo, because the dreaded Delta variant is here. The panic pushers are again out in force. "It's more CONTAAAGEOUS!", they scream, while not telling you that if you've been vaccinated the chance of death is next to zero, and is low even for the unvaccinated.
Now the government is trying to bully the unvaccinated by pushing for vaccine passports. At this point the vaccine is available to anyone who wants it. If someone wants to take the risk of getting sick, that is their business. The people who don't want to get fatally ill can take the vaccine.
No more mask mandates and lockdowns. With the vaccine available to all it is long past time for individual freedom to supersede the chains of public safety.