Wednesday, April 24, 2013

A message to democrats

Enough already. Stop wasting time trying to pass gun control and amnesty for illegal aliens. FIX THE ECONOMY!!! The economy has been rotten since George W Bush and has not improved. People have been out of work for so long their unemployment money has run out.

Stop LYING to people with bogus inflation figures that claim it's not that bad. The inflation index doesn't count food and gas, and both of those have skyrocketed. Yes Virginia, there IS an inflation-Claus.

Stop blaming the republicans for not giving you a blank check, you are NOT going to spend your way out of this with bogus Keynesian economics. The old tax and spend won't sell, especially with so many people being out of work.

The republicans want you to cut welfare, do so. But insist that any cuts in welfare for people be accompanied by massive cuts in corporate welfare. If republicans heel drag, go to the media and appeal to the public. A refusal to cut corporate welfare when welfare for people is on the table is pure pandering and should not be hard to point out via the media. Pour on the shame.

It's time to start punishing companies who outsource all their labor. You want to raise taxes, forget about hitting Joe Sixpack with a tax increase, he can't afford it. Pass a nice, fat tax penalty on all the companies that are contributing to the jobs deficit here. You want to "fix" the country, forget about partisan BS, it won't work for you or the republicans. Do everything possible to bring back manufacturing. You think that you can squeeze water from a stone by jacking up the taxes. That's not the way to economic recovery. There are many people with high school only education, as well as people in their 50's who can't find work in their profession. If you brought back manufacturing these people would have a much better option than struggling for low pay/benefit service jobs like McDonald's. Making a higher wage would, not incidentally, put them in a higher tax bracket, so the government you love so very much would be raking in more tax income without a tax increase.

Last but not least, dump the morality cop mentality. Legalize drugs, sports gambling, and prostitution. Not only will the government RAKE in money from all the tax revenue, it will save millions, if not billions by dumping the police state apparatus currently in place to enforce such laws.

But you won't do any of that. Instead you'll continue the same old dirge of trying to push through more gun control, higher taxes, and amnesty for illegals. The republicans will continue to try to give breaks to corporations who'll give NOTHING in return for them, oppose abortion, while continuing to claim the failed war on drugs is a good idea.

I guess there is bi-partisanship of a weird sort. You, and your cohorts the republicans, are destroying the country.

Monday, April 15, 2013

Islam vs Scientology

I'm not a scientologist. Lets get that clear before the accusations start. I don't have a horse in this race,I'm an atheist. Meaning I don't believe in invisible people or doodads I can't see or hear, just because some book says they exist. Absence of evidence is evidence of absence.

I keep hearing the same load of bullshit from multiple people. Scientology is illegitimate, because it was invented by L. Ron Hubbard, and there are people who were around him when he decided to make it up.

Islam, however is a "legit" religion because it has been around for around 1400 years.
Really? So by this logic, if the person who perpetrated an OUTRAGEOUS LIE about an all powerful invisible being has been dead for a millennium, HIS story has more gravitas than someone who told their lie less than 100 years ago. Sorry peeps, I'm not buying it. A ridiculous lie is a ridiculous lie not matter how old it is. By this logic you could argue that Paul Bunyan walked the forests with a giant blue ox named Babe. Why not; whoever made up that tale is long dead and it's over 100 years old. Certainly nowhere near as old as Islam, but the tale has some "seasoning" to it.

Scientology gets rightly criticized as cult like, but Islam and it's followers, the Muslims get a pass over and over and over again. Criticize Scientology or it's followers and you get head nodding agreement. Criticize Islam or Muslims and you get called a racist. Hey shitheads, FYI 4 U, Islam is a RELIGION, it IS NOT A RACE!!! It is a belief system from a book, not a gene sequence determining who someone is.
From Richard Dawkins
If Islam's a "race", so is Christianity, so is socialism. Are you a "racist`" if you despise socialism? I've never voted Tory: Toryphobic?
There is a propensity for violence in Islam that is not seen in Scientology. When was the last time you read Scientologists hijacked a plane? Blew up a building? Took hostages? While it is true that most practitioners of Islam are not terrorists, just what does "most" mean? There are 1.8 billion followers of Islam, so even a small % of this group being violent adds up to a lot of people. There is also a larger % that while not actively engaged in terrorism, condone it
Subsequently, however, on Osama Bin Laden's death, many Muslims in UK came out on streets in support of Osama, announcing him as an Islamic hero and condemned the role of US and west in killing him. The protest against Bin Laden’s death was organised by controversial preacher Anjem Choudary – who praised both 7/7 and the September 11 attacks.
Before you get your panties to twisted up in a bunch with righteous "Monkey's pickin on the poor Muslims" rage, I'll conclude by stating that both Islam and Scientology suck. Scientology just sucks less.