This in not the first time this shit has happened, I had ordered a router and that box was beat to shit even worse. I understand working for UPS sucks, I was told that for the guys who load the truck they have a dude standing near them with a stop watch, whose only job is to shit on them if they don't load the truck fast enough. I'm sure the drivers have to go through similar bullshit, they probably get shit on if delivery takes too long, even if they get stuck in rotten traffic. I can't confirm this but I was also told they get fired if they get in an accident. But here's the deal. I'm not the asshole standing behind them with a stop watch, nor am I the dickhead writing them up for being late when they get stuck in traffic jams. If the economy didn't suck so bad I'd say do yourselves AND me a favor and quit. Since most people in this economic suckathon are pretty much stuck with their jobs unless they don't mind the prospect of long term unemployment, I can only ask the impossible. Stop being douche bags. Your asshole bosses don't get punished when you smash my packages in a postal rage, the only person who gets fucked is me, and I have NOTHING to do with management policy at UPS.