Fire alarm, whaaaat? You must think I'm fucking insane to do a rant about fire alarms. Fire alarms are good, right? They save lives, right? Who wouldn't want the friendly firemen to show up when their house is burning? For the most part fire alarms ARE a good thing, but sometimes there are exceptions. The exception is when the fire alarm is either designed and/or installed by complete fucking idiots.
Let's take, say, the fire alarm where I work. Some new sensors were installed,
and they must be VERY sensitive indeed, as the alarm now goes off every day. This isn't your daddy's fire alarm either, it's ear piercing, rock concert loud, guaranteed by it's maker to give hearing damage every time it goes off, which recently, did I mention this already, is every fucking day. This is not just useless, it is actually harmful. Ever hear the story of the little boy who cried wolf? Just in case you were born under a rock and haven't heard this one it goes like this. There was a little boy who LOVED attention, which he would get by yelling "WOLF, WOLF, WOLF" at which all the villagers would run out looking for the wolf, who was not there as the boy was lying. Well one day, who shows up but the big, bad wolf himself, and he has little boy on his dinner menu. Apon seeing him the little boy cries out "WOLF, WOLF, WOLF", but by this time the villagers have had more than enough of his bullshit and ignore him. At the end of this sad but cautionary tale, the only thing left of the little boy who cried wolf is a giant, stinking turd, left by the big bad wolf as a good bye memento for the villagers.
What has all this to do with a defective fire alarm you say? Think about it, if that alarm continues to go off when there is no fire, the firemen may have to show up, but their enthusiasm, and rush to get to the office is going to diminish. Lets just say that if this keeps up, and there is ever a real fire, response time may be on the slow side.