Inflation has gotten ugly, and it looks like it is only going to get worse.
A friend, who drives an 18 wheeler for a living, says that in some places diesel is up to $6.00 gallon.
The democrats are trying to deny responsibility for any of this by telling the big lie which the press and big tech is dutifully parroting. They are claiming that Biden has absolutely no responsibility for rising gas prices or inflation.
The best lies are filled with half truths and there are a lot of those in the democrats talking points. Their claim that Biden did not ban domestic oil production is true. BUT Biden did ban fracking on public lands. Fracking is the only reason the U.S. regained energy independence. So no fracking, it's back to dependence on foreign oil. The second partially true claim is that oil companies can do fracking but are refusing to do so. Well this is kind of true, but what they leave out is this is due to a court challenge. So the oil companies challenged Biden's executive order and got a lower federal court to rule in their favor. But oil prospecting and drilling is an incredibly expensive operation. It is unlikely the oil companies will resume fracking on any federal lands until the appeals process is over. They are not going to risk setting up all that equipment only to be told they have to pull it all out again a year later.
Trying to claim Biden had nothing at all to do with any of this just isn't true. The other big claim is that it is all Putin's fault. This is fucking outrageous and only the dumbest people would buy into that, but some people are pretty fucking stupid. See, like an old Colombo detective show, the timeline just doesn't match. Putin invaded Ukraine in Feb 2022. Gas prices rose and inflation soon followed when Biden assumed office on January 20, 2021.
To sum it up, the democrats are blaming everything on greedy oil companies and Putin. But in both cases the timeline does not support them. Oil companies were ALWAYS greedy, so it is implausible that they suddenly decided all by themselves to pinch off domestic oil production just as Biden and the democrats took over.
There is a third, and overlooked piece of evidence that the democrats are lying. The green new deal. The green new deal is the Mein Kampf of the democrat party. It spells out exactly what they want to do. One of the main parts of it is to get America off of oil. Not as a long term goal, but as in NOW, ignoring the negative consequences.
Almost everything in the U.S. is delivered by truck. Electric trucks don't work. The batteries take a long time to recharge and they don't go as far as the diesel trucks.
Even if they forced people to buy electric cars, the diesel prices won't drop and food prices won't either. Welcome to inflation eternus.
This is why I despise the "greater good" philosophy the democrats operate under. They would literally force me and every other working schmuck into abject poverty if they thought it would benefit their idea of what the greater good is. To some of the most radical, like AOC, the extinction of humanity may serve the greater good of the planet. While that may actually be true, I don't want to volunteer to die or live in poverty for her agenda. Do you?